Tips for Praying with Children
1. Before praying, listen to what the child wants prayer for. It may be that they are unsure – it doesn’t matter – God knows even if we don’t – our job is to come alongside children in their own encounter with God – not to be an intermediary between them and God!
2. Do not force the children to do anything, if they don’t want prayer then that is fine.
3. Try to make sure that girls pray for girls and boys pray for boys where possible.
4. Never be on your own praying with the child especially in an unsupervised situation.
5. Smile this makes everyone feel comfortable and safe.
6. Everyone is different. Not one size fits all . Do not expect every child to respond in the same way or even as you expect!
7. Keep your eyes open! Watch and wait for God to move.
8. Short and simple is best. Watch your language, not too adult or vague.
9. Ask the child what is happening. They may have heard God speak or have an idea of what God is doing or saying.
10. Celebrate and thank God for what He’s done.